
Tips for choosing the right smartwatch for you

September 06, 2017

Smart watches still can not position themselves as a mass product, but the same market is full of options for those who want to become one.

If you want to buy a smartwatch and you do not know which one, you need to review well not only the prices, but also which one is right for you. To do this, we give you useful tips to make the best choice.

What type of smartwatch suits your needs?

Do you want to use your smartwatch for when you play sports or want to take it on a day-to-day basis? There are models designed for those who exercise and want to keep records of their achievements and the response of their body, and others who may not be as complete in that regard, but do have functions for daily life.

If you focus on the sport, the best for you may not be a smartwatch, however tempting it may be, but a smart bracelet. It offers the same functionalities in terms of measuring exercise and how your body responds to physical activity. In addition, they are cheaper than watches.

In case you want to replace your usual watch with a smartwatch, you have plenty to choose from. There are some more classic and with more limited features and others made by large companies and that become an extension of your mobile phone.

Another important thing in the case of smartwatch in everyday use is that it is not only left in the ultra-technological, but it facilitates things as important as just seeing the time without having to enter some application for it.

A watch should be comfortable and pleasing to the eye, an important factor that certain manufacturers did not consider, so they created real giant technology monsters. If your smartwatch does not fit or fit your way of dressing, it will look weird in case it is your everyday accessory.

Is it compatible with your other gadgets?

If you have an Android smartphone, buying an Apple Watch does not make sense and, in case of being an iPhone user, a Moto 360 will not be able to show all its functions.

Smart watches must be compatible with your smartphone and tablet. Otherwise, you will not be able to take advantage of them. You should check this out on the manufacturer's website, since the compatibility is an aspect that you can not leave out.

What smartwatch to buy?

You already know what type of smartwatch you need and which ones are compatible with your gadgets. Now it is necessary to review what is offered in the market.

What is your budget?

Endeavoring to buy an expensive smart watch may not make sense if you do not need all the features it offers. There are smartwatchs equally useful for most users and they do not cost a fortune.

On the other hand, finding the cheapest smart watch on the market can cost you dearly, since your hardware may not be of good quality or its low battery life, a problem if you have to stop and charge it in the middle of your day.

You will be interested in: «Smart watches: is it worth spending money on them?»

Will it become obsolete soon?

A very important point, especially when manufacturers are still experimenting with this type of gadgets available and frequently launch new models or abandon the ship discontinuing the old ones.

If you are investing in a smart watch, it should be kept current for at least two years. Check what the policy is for updating that particular brand or if it is your first foray into this business.

An Apple Watch or Smart Watch that takes advantage of the Android Wear platform will surely remain in effect for more years than that created by an emerging company that raised funds through Kickstarter.

Buying a gadget is a decision that should not be taken lightly. So, asking the questions that we advise today, in addition to doing a thorough investigation, will be the difference between a satisfied user and another who regrets having invested their money in that smartwatch that took home the drawer of his desk.

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