
Android 8.1 Oreo: News that will soon arrive

February 10, 2018

Today we have excellent news for those who use Pixel 2 and Pixel 2XL phones. The new Android 8.1 Oreo update will allow you to use the cameras to the fullest, accessing the processing of images in HDR + format.

The process works as follows: Once the software update is installed, the Pixel Visual Core photo optimization chip will be activated, working in parallel with Qualcomm Snapdragon 835, with which the image processing will be faster and smoother.

The result of this improvement will be sharper photographs, better resolution and with a considerable reduction of noise, in addition to being able to load 3D images up to five times better.

This in itself is already a good news, but the news does not end here, because the update will allow third parties to make use of Google cameras through other apps.

We must remember that the camera of Google Pixel 2 has been ranked as the best of mobile devices, and to be able to take more advantage of it and install it on other devices will undoubtedly attract many more customers, especially in this era where images play a transcendental role in the communication process.

Step by Step

According to what the giant Google has announced, Android 8.1 Oreo will be in the market in the coming weeks only for its developers. Those who want to use Google cameras through an app will have to wait a little longer, however, it is a fact that will be in the market.

Later it is foreseen that the latest update can also be made in the first generation equipment of Pixel mobile devices, and in some Nexus models.

Already some devices work with Android 8.0, and improvements with the 8.1 could even make other brands, such as Samsung, One Plus and LG, join the update, not to fall behind in the competition of mobile devices.

It will have even more

Although Google has not revealed more details about the new operating system for mobile devices, we can say that it still has more:

  • Own API: Android 8.1 Oreo is expected to have its own API level, which means considerable internal improvements and greater availability of APIs. In addition, it is estimated to include improvements in battery and performance.
  • Larger icons: One of the innovations of the successor of the 8.0 update is that there are changes in the size of its icons. An information has been leaked that ensures that the icons would be larger.
  • New emojis: The new version would not be complete if you do not include new emojis, which Android has already accustomed us.
  • Edition of screenshots: Another feature that the version would have is the ability to edit screenshots directly from it. This way you would avoid having to save the capture and go to the gallery to make the arrangements. If so, Google would be ahead of other companies that are already working on this improvement.
  • More commands: A novelty of more commands for Bisto headphones is expected. Its release to the market would be another great success of the giant Google.

We just have to wait for Google to give the green light to his new update to start enjoying it. Although we are sure that, when you are in the galleries, your developers will start working on a new one to continue to excel in the technology market.

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